Organization Tools
Tools to help you stay organized as an entrepreneur:
SMART Goals - develop your own SMART based goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound) to help guide you through your process; this will help make very specific goals that are more likely to be reached
Gantt Chart - stay organized with the never-ending list of things that need to be done. There is something about capturing what needs to be and then knowing a time frame for when it has to be done that helps clear up, destress, and make yourself more available to focus on what you love
Make a copy for yourself, then edit as needed
Business Startup Checklist - use this to help you make sure you take all the necessary legal, state, local, and basic steps to launch a business
The default city is Lowell, you'll have to look up for your town/city
SWOT - a tool to evaluate your business and your process

SWOT stands for:
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities
- Threats
It is a way to think fully about a particular topic, idea, decision, or organization. This is a tool to assist in the process of critical thinking.
Take some time to think about the following prompts and provide your own analysis.
What advantages do you have?
What do you do better than others?
What can you improve? Avoid?
What can help you?
Is there a trend, event, or change on the horizon that will assist you?
What are your obstacles?
Can your weaknesses seriously threaten you?
Are there any issues that could affect you?